Adventure on and off Trail!


Big Brothers Big Sisters of Rockland
Non-Profit Mentoring & Social Service
Rockland’s premier mentoring organization for over 37 years and an official NY State multi-social service organization, a national gold standard award winner and 8 times NYS Better Business Bureau accredited, charitable non-profit - our exemplary service as lead provider of mentoring, has long lasting, positive effects on children’s confidence, grades, and social skills. Functioning as a county contract agency, our programs include management of the Supervised Court Ordered Visitation, the Tutorial Academy Program and numerous site based programs - making child wellbeing a priority through the unique infrastructure of our Standards of Practice of the exclusive 1 – 1 mentoring model.
G. Ballard, Pres./CEO / gballard@bbbsofrc.com / (845) 634 2199 x 5

Friends of Harmony Hall
Arts & Culture / Historic Landmark
The Friends of Harmony Hall is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of Harmony Hall-Jacob Sloat House and the New York Highlands area. Your contribution to our preservation and programming efforts may be tax-deductible.
15 Liberty Rock Road, Sloatsburg, NY 10974

Rockland Youth Empowerment
Youth Community Support
The purpose of the Court Ordered Supervised Visitation Program is to provide non-custodial parents an opportunity to meet each week with their child(ren) in a safe, child-friendly environment under the supervision of court approved supervisors.
65 North Main Street, New City, NY 10956
info@ryecenter.org / 845.634.2199 x 5

Sloatsburg Food Pantry
Community Pantry
The Sloatsburg Food Pantry is an organization of committed volunteers with a broad base of community support. Our mission is to provide supplemental, nutritionally balanced food to those in need, while respecting the dignity of each person we serve. The Sloatsburg Food Pantry serves those living in Sloatsburg, Suffern, Hillburn, Montebello and the Town of Tuxedo. We appreciate your interest in learning more about, and helping those who are food insecure in our community.
P.O. Box 409, Tuxedo, NY 10987
Joyce Donohue / sloatsburgfoodpantry@gmail.com / (845) 753-8014

Sloatsburg Public Library
Community Library
The Sloatsburg Public Library provides vital services and programs to the greater Sloatsburg community and Suffern Central School District.
The Library is part of the Ramapo Catskill Library System cooperative, and calls the historical St. Francis Episcopal Church building home and also includes a Chapel book and quiet room, a Community Room and special Children’s Room wing that is home to weekly activities that help promote early childhood learning.
From homework help to story time and other educational activities to Summer Reading, seasonal programming to adult and senior crafts and programs, the Sloatsburg Library is a place to make community connections and enjoy lifelong learning.
1 Liberty Rock Road, Sloatsburg, NY 10974
(845) 753-2001
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